The refund given to travelers who cancel their reservation is different depending on the cancellation policy chosen. In the same way as the variation in the price of your accommodation, we use our skills to adapt the cancellation policy as best as possible to seasonality, the occupancy rate of your accommodation and local events.
1. What are the risks of short-term rental?
Tenant turnover is high, so wear and tear on furniture and equipment is faster. Tourists and holidaymakers passing through are less attentive to the furniture than a tenant who rents year-round. Seasonal rentals require more maintenance of the furniture, which can lead to some additional expenses.
2. How does TheGoodButler minimize risk?
We minimize risk by meticulously selecting your travelers. Our cleaning team, which passes after the departure of your guests, informs us of all the possible anomalies that your accommodation presents so that we can intervene without wasting time.
- What is included in the cleaning package? We take the quality of the household very seriously. The cleaning is professional, it includes a complete cleaning of the apartment and a provision of linen and towels of quality Hôtellerie, a bottle of wine, coffee, tea, essential consumables as well as bathroom kits.
- Am I covered by insurance? Vous êtes bien évidemment couvert par une assurance et ce, sans frais supplémentaires ! Dans les rares cas où un dommage survient, voici les moyens que nous mobilisons : 1/ Nous demandons une caution aux voyageurs qui pourra être débloquée en cas de dommage. 2/ L’assurance des plateformes de location couvre généralement votre logement à hauteur de € 800,000. C’est beaucoup, mais attention : les bijoux, les œuvres d’art et l’argent liquide ne sont pas protégés par cette assurance.
- For the keys: how does it work? Nothing could be simpler: you entrust us with 2 sets of identical and complete keys and then, we take care of the entire management of the keys. One set of keys remains in the digital key box of your apartment, and we keep the second set of backup in our offices.
- What is the legislation of seasonal rental in France? Since April 2017, owners who rent their accommodation occasionally, for tourist purposes, and residing in a city of more than 200,000 inhabitants, must follow several administrative procedures and respect certain constraints: 1/ Do not exceed 120 days of rental / year. 2/ Register your accommodation on the website of the town hall. 3/ Be the owner or for tenants: ask for permission to sublet your home to your landlord.
- If I want to stop using your services? With Thegoodbutler there is no commitment. You don’t want to use our services anymore, no worries! After validation with your account manager, change the access to your account and our team will no longer have access to your ad. It’s simple and free. But you won’t want 🙂
- Who gets the money back from travelers? We do not manage your income at all. The money from your bookings is paid directly into your bank account.
- So, how do I pay for your services? At the beginning of each month, we issue you an invoice listing our services performed during the past period.
- Do I have to pay you if I don’t have a reservation? No. If you have no income, we do not charge you, unless previously agreed for different services performed.